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우분투에서 Lync 사용하는 방법

Here is what did to get it to work:

  • Installed the pidgin-sipe plugin

    sudo apt-get install pidgin-sipe
  • Add a new account, and selected Office Communicator as the protocol
  • For the username and login I used my email address, and of course I entered my password.
  • On the Advanced tab change the connection type to Auto
  • Use the following for User Agent: UCCAPI/4.0.7577.314 OC/4.0.7577.314
  • Change authentication scheme to TLS-DSK
  • Uncheck the Single Sign-On box
  • Click Save

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fcitx로 한/영 변환시 팝업창 안보이게 하는 법  (0) 2016.05.16